Yesterday, I downloaded the Apple. essential apps thinking I was downloading the podcast app. When they downloaded I clicked on podcast app and it asked me for my Apple ID so I typed it in. This meant that this logged me in to Find My iPhone. I went on it thinking it was some sort of backing thing for potcast so I set it up and so I logged out and a message on the screen said ' Your iPad is reseting please wait.'
Then the email I provided with my Apple ID received about 5 email saying;
1. Your iPad is in lost mode
2. It has been located at the following address..........................
3. It has been tracked through Find My iPhone
4. The following phone number has been provided in the lost iPad
and the dreaded 5th
5. Your iPad has been reset. All data, settigns and media is temporarily lost.
HOW ANNOYING! I would like to know what casued it. I am out and about near an Apple Store this week. My folloeing questions are;
1. Is there anyway I can get any of my data back?
2. Will it be on the Cloud because? (parent restrictions have blocked it)
3. Is it worth coming into an Apple. Store to see if all data can be retrived?
4. Will I get my data back
And most importantly how did it happen?
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