Just wanted to add my experiences to this and how I found a work around. I'm an IT Admin and my boss recently upgraded his iPad to 6.0.1 and hit problems with his home WiFi. His same iPad on the office WiFi works fine.
For him, iOS 6 was not an issue, only when going to 6.0.1
The problem was affecting use of the iTunes store and NetFlix, both would load but show a blank screen. I understand from reading elsewhere that Facebook is another affected app, although he never confirmed this. Browing using Safari and using Email was fine.
After ruling out the iPad iteslf and other things like his iTunes account I started looking around on these discussion forums. Other may have spotted this, but it looks like apps that do some authentication are affected by this issue.
We had already tried changing the date forward as a suggested solution. This did not work.
We then took the carpet bomb approach of changing lots of things. Changing the language in iOS was one of the first (switched to French, then back to English), which may have fixed the issue. At the same time I also changed the following settings on his home Draytek 2820, under Wireless LAN...
Under General Settings...
Wireless Mode: Changed from "Mixed (11b+11g+11n)" to "11n only 2.4Ghz"
Channel: Changed from "Auto" to "Channel 6 2437Mhz"
Packet Overdrive (Tx Burst): Changed from 'enabled' to 'disabled'
Under Advanced Settings...
Operation Mode: Changed from 'Mixed' to 'Greenfield'
The other settings under Advanced Settings were left unchanged...
Channel Bandwidth: set to "20/40"
Guard Interval: set to "auto"
Aggregation MSDU: set to "enable"
I'm not sure which of the above actually fixed this issue as we changed them all at once. I'm also not sure how these settings translate to other manufacturers routers, but I hope they help somehow.
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