
Thursday, August 8, 2013

iPhoto sort order changes on iPad/iPhone when photos are edited

I have been having issues getting photos to display in the correct order on my iPad, iPhone and Apple TV. When I go into an event I want the first photo taken to be at the top and the last at the bottom. I sort by date so that photos taken on different cameras at the same event appear in chronological order and this works very well in iPhoto on my Mac. There is a problem when I sync to my devices though. Sometimes the order on my devices is the same as in iPhoto on my Mac and other times it is not. A recent software update seems to have cured the major issue, but created another. After some experimentation I have discovered that editing a photo changes its position in the sort, even if the adjustment has nothing to do with the date.


I picked a sample event and adjusted the contrast of the first photo. There was no change to sort order on the Mac. I hit sync in iTunes and the photo now displays last on my iPhone. Go back into iPhoto, click on "Revert to Original", sync iTunes again and the photo now displays first again. Seems like a bug to me.

View the original article here


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