
Saturday, August 10, 2013

Update deleted all my CDs but not iTunes downloads... help.

After updating my iTunes library, it has deleted all the CDs that I've downloaded onto it, and I can only find them if I look in the search bar by typing the name of a song. However, these files don't play, can't be transferred back into iTunes, don't open, and are not in any folder.... not even the recycling bin. The only way too describe it is that it is as if iTunes has a degenerative mental disease, and has forgotten some friendly faces. It has a small photo, but no matter how hard you try to get it to remember, it can't, and has no recollection of anything to do with those 'friends'. It has a feeling that the files have something to do with it, but it doesn't know how or where to place them.


I'm very frustrated, as it's also taken it upon itself to delete those songs on my iPod, even though I haven't plugged it into the laptop for fear of it doing something stupid. Looks like it beat me to it. It also started to cut the ends of its own downloaded (iTunes bought) songs, which I managed to sort out by deleting the file from the library and from the recycle bin, and then redownloading off the iCloud, though that itself is incredibly tedious.


So annoying! Any help or guidance would be much appreciated! And finally, out of sheer curiousity; is anybody else having/had a similiar dillema?


Many thanks.


View the original article here


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